Ryan Michelle Bathe Wiki: Age, Net Worth & Facts To Know

Ryan Michelle Bathe shares a life with and is the wife of Sterling K. Brown. From television shows to movies, this girl does it all.

Ryan Michelle Bathe Early Life

Ryan Michelle Bathe was born on July 27, 1976 in Stamford, Connecticut. Ryan Michelle Bathe attended Stanford University and graduated with an undergrad degree. Ryan Michelle Bathe later attended New York University and obtained a graduate degree in Fine Arts. Ryan Michelle Bathe met her husband Sterling K. Brown while studying for her undergrad degree at Stanford University. Sterling K. Brown and wife Ryan Michelle Bathe both pursued careers in Hollywood, later married, and now share a life filled with the love of their two sons.

The Wife of Sterling K. Brown

Ryan Michelle Bathe and Sterling K. Brown, who share distinct similarities as they have only a three digit difference in their social security numbers, were born in the same hospital, in the same city, and attended the same undergrad and graduate schools. Seems as if they were born for one another. However, for their entire lives, Ryan Michelle Bathe and Sterling K. Brown only met in undergraduate school at the age of 18 for the first time. The two made an instant connection and dated all through their undergrad years. As Ryan Michelle Bathe went on to move to New York to study for her Master’s degree in Fine Arts, the love between her and Sterling K. Brown continued. Once Sterling K. Brown and wife Ryan Michelle Bathe settled in their careers, they decided to have their first child. Ryan Michelle Bathe and Sterling K. Brown were married in 2007 and welcomed their first son in 2012. The story of their first child is an experience that has brought the couple even closer, as the baby was delivered by his father Sterling K. Brown on their bathroom floor. In an interview with Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest, Sterling K. Brown recounts how his first son was delivered in their home with the help of their midwife on the phone. Paramedics later arrived with the baby already in the loving arms of his parents. Ryan Michelle Bathe and Sterling K. Brown later had another baby, this time with less excitement. The couple shares a quiet life together and, when not busy working, they engage in “quiet movie” nights entertaining one another.

Ryan Michelle Bathe Career & Future

Ryan Michelle Bathe’s career began in 2003 in the movie Good Fences and since then she’s created a remarkable net worth in Hollywood starring in many television shows as well as movies. Though she’s not starred in many silver screen movies, her future continues to sparkle on the many television shows she’s premiered and starred in.


Ryan Michelle Bathe starred in “Good Fences” in 2003, this was her first movie and it was a made as a television special. The movie followed a family in Greenwich, Connecticut in the 1970s as they combated the prejudices that African-American families had to encounter during that era. The movie’s intensity was welcomed by critics and the talent of Ryan Michelle Bathe was portrayed in one of the most emotionally demanding roles she’s played. Ryan Michelle Bathe was able to work with top actors like Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover in “Good Fences.”

Ryan Michelle Bathe later starred in “Leaving Barstow” in 2008 and “One For the Money” in 2011 as a hooker opposite Katherine Heigl.

Television Shows

Ryan Michelle Bathe earned her acting honors in the many television series that she’s premiered in and her latest appearance in “This Is Us” has proven that the actress can portray diversity with no effort. In “This Is Us,” Ryan Michelle Bathe has a recurring role and continues to appear on the show regularly.

Ryan Michelle Bathe has had much success in the television world with her acting career. The intensity that she brings to each character she portrays creates a net worth in the art that viewers have become accustomed to. Ryan Michelle Bathe made her first appearance on television back in 2005 on the television show “Boston Legal.” Ryan Michelle Bathe’s career on “Boston Legal” lasted two seasons as she played the role of Sara Holt. Ryan Michelle Bathe went on to premiere in “Bones,” “How I Met Your Mother,” “Private Practice,” “Trauma,” “Retired at 35,” and “Army Wives.” Ryan Michelle Bathe’s greatest role on television was in “This Is Us” as Yvette, a family friend of TV family the Pearsons. “This Is Us” also starred her husband Sterling K. Brown and costar Susan Kelechi Watson.

Ryan Michelle Bathe Trivia

I. Sterling K. Brown, wife Ryan Michelle Bathe, and costar Susan Kelechi Watson are all graduates of NYU with masters degrees in Fine Arts. II. “This Is Us” actors Sterling K. Brown and Susan Kelechi Watson starred in The Good Wife together. III. Sterling K. Brown and wife Ryan Michelle Bathe starred in “Boston Legal” and “Army Wives” together. IV. Sterling K. Brown and wife Ryan Michelle Bathe are the same age, born three months apart in the same year. V. Sterling K. Brown and wife Ryan Michelle Bathe have been married for 10 years.

The Future and On

Ryan Michelle Bathe and husband Sterling K. Brown have shown that couples can survive the high of Hollywood success. As the couple continues to share their talents with fans and viewers, they will be historically known as the famous couple who came into the Hollywood scene together, worked on the same projects, and became an example for many young couples with similar dreams. Ryan Michelle Bathe and Sterling K. Brown could very well be starting a new trend and many fans can’t wait to see what’s next for the talented couple.