Alexandre Desplat’s Wife Wiki: 5 Facts To Know About Dominique Lemonnier

Dominique Lemonnier is the wife of the composer Alexandre Desplat. Read more to learn about her net worth, social media profiles, career, and more!

Dominique Lemonnier

Dominique is a wonderful wife, mother, and musician. She has worked on over a dozen films during her career as a violinist. Learn more about her marriage, family, career, net worth, and social media below.

1. She is the wife of the famous composer Alexandre Desplat

One of the things that Dominique Lemonnier is most famous for is being the wife of Alexandre Desplat. This couple first met in 1986 while they were working together. For those that do not already know, Alexandre Desplat is a famous movie score composer. He has worked on famous films like “Argo,” “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” Currently, this musically talented couple is receiving attention for Desplat’s new composition for the movie “The Shape of Water.” This film’s score is nominated for an award at the Oscar 2018 ceremony. However, it is still unknown if “The Shape of Water” will earn Desplat an award, as the Oscar 2018 ceremony does not take place until March 4, 2018.

2. She is a violinist

One of the other things that Dominique Lemonnier is most famous for is her skills as a violinist. She has been playing the violin professionally for over a decade. She has played a part in her husband’s orchestra for several of his movies. Some of the films she has made music for as a violinist include “The Shape of Water,” “The Tree of Life,” “The Imitation Game,” “Godzilla” (2014), and “The Secret Life of Pets.” As of 2018, Dominique Lemonnier continues to work as a professional violinist.

3. She has two daughters

Dominique Lemonnier has two daughters with Alexandre Desplat. Her daughters are Antonia (age 23) and Ninon (age unknown) Desplat. Like their parents, these girls are also musically talented. Ninon worked on the “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” movies with her parents as a score coordinator. Atonia has also worked on a film with her father, “Hostage” in 2005. On this soundtrack, she can be heard working on vocals.


Lemonnier, Desplat, and their daughters at the premiere of “Three Hearts.”

4. She has an impressive personal net worth

As of 2018, Dominique Lemonnier’s personal net worth is estimated to be about $500,000. It is also estimated that her husband, Alexandre Desplat has a net worth of $18 million. Together, these two make quite the rich couple. As they are both still working, it is likely that their net worth will only grow.

5. She is not very active on social media

While Dominique Lemonnier is not active on social media, her family is. Her daughter, Antonia, keeps an active Instagram account where she often posts pictures of her family. Alexandre Desplat also has a basic Instagram account, but it is filled with mostly photos of himself.

Antonia also has her own Twitter account, but Dominique Leomonnier does not have an active account. On Atonia’s personal Twitter account, she often posts updates of her parent’s accomplishments. Recently, she has posted praises of “The Shape of Water.”

It is currently unknown if Dominique Lemonnier will ever make a social media presence of her own.